Commerce Act 1986 and Commerce Commission Review

Last year the government announced a comprehensive review of New Zealand’s competition framework to combat monopolistic practices and boost economic productivity. Limited options and high price points in the grocery, banking and building supply sectors are reflective of market failures resulting from such practices and, subsequently, prompted this review.

Commerce Act 1986: The review includes a revision of the long-standing merger regime embedded in this legislation. Although mergers can enhance efficiency, they may also create a power imbalance in the market and limit consumer choice. The current regime will be reconsidered to mitigate the risks posed by larger companies that make small, incremental acquisitions of smaller companies.

The government also wants to provide greater clarity to the Act’s anti-competitive conduct provisions. Its aim is to increase certainty as to what constitutes anti-competitive collusion – in turn, appeasing concerns that typically deter businesses from engaging in beneficial collaboration.  

Commerce Commission: The review will also evaluate the commission’s structure and governance – specifically, whether it is capable of effectively enforcing competition laws. The introduction of specific commissioners and a divisional model to contribute to accountability and strategy will also be considered.

The government’s focus on strengthening competition laws aims to deliver greater choice, lower costs and increase productivity for all New Zealanders.

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