Farm Lease Coming to an End

Under a farm lease the lessee commonly pays the farm owner (lessor) to run an independent farming operation on the leased land. Such a lease often gives the lessee access to the land, building and other infrastructure on the property or portion of the property.

Although this arrangement is mutually beneficial to both parties, it is not a shared responsibility. Your lessee is responsible for maintaining the land in accordance with the terms and conditions of the lease.

The duration of the farm lease should be included in the lease document. There are also prescribed obligations to comply with when the lease expires. Your lessee often has to ensure that, at the end of the lease, the land is returned in an acceptable state as agreed to in the lease terms, and is also required to remove alterations or additional fixtures they may have installed, and to destock the land.

If your lessee does not comply with these lease terms, they may have to pay the costs and expenses associated with removing fixtures.

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