Digital Boost - a Tool for Small Business

Since the launch of government-funded Digital Boost in late 2020, more than 40,000 small businesses have signed up. Digital Boost is a joint initiative between the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and the private sector. Its purpose is to get small businesses to not only acknowledge, but also to use, the benefits that come from digital tools and technologies.

Adding to its existing toolbox, Digital Boost recently launched a new Digital Boost Live app. MBIE says that it wanted to make Digital Boost content more accessible to people who work more from their mobile phones and to give businesses up-to-date digital information "in the palms of their hands".

Features include:

• More than 500 short three-to-five minute learning videos including how to use digital marketing to increase sales

• Podcasts with business owners

• Hundreds of downloadable learning summaries

• Case studies featuring Kiwi small business owners, and

• Live Q&A sessions.

Digital Boost Live is available free at the App Store or Google Play. For more about Digital Boost go here:

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