Updates to The ADLS Agreement - Important for Buyers and Sellers

On 8 February 2022 the Auckland District Law Society (ADLS) released an updated version of the Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate. This is the most- used agreement when buying or selling property. The new version incorporates several changes that are important for people buying and selling property, along with some superficial amendments to accommodate the nuts and bolts for lawyers handling the transaction.

The process for claiming compensation for a breach of the contract by one party or for a defect in the property has been clarified in clauses 10 and 11 of the agreement. One fundamental difference is that the new agreement limits parties to only one claim for compensation under clause 10. A party might use this clause to claim compensation for services in the property that don’t work or for loss suffered by that party as a result of a misrepresentation by the other party or their real estate agent. Despite parties being limited to one claim, the claim can include more than one element set out in clause 10.2 so vendors and purchasers can still be fully compensated where multiple breaches occur.

Another change to note is where parties are transferring residential property for a purchase price exceeding $7.5 million or commercial property for a purchase price of more than $1 million. In each of these two situations, for tax purposes, parties will need to agree on the value of land and buildings that make up the purchase price as well as the value of any other assets, fixtures, fittings or chattels sold with the property. These should be included as an addendum to the agreement.

Getting legal advice regarding the full terms and conditions of the agreement is always essential, particularly in light of these changes to the ADLS agreement. If you’re buying and/or selling property, talking with us early on should be your first step.

DISCLAIMER: All the information published is true and accurate to the best of the authors knowledge. It should not be a substitute for legal advice. No liability is assumed by the authors or publisher for losses suffered by any person or organisation relying directly or indirectly on this article. Views expressed are those of individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect the view of this firm. Articles appearing in this newsletter may be reproduced with prior approval from the editor and credit given to the source. Copyright, NZ LAW Limited, 2019. Editor: Adrienne Olsen. E-mail: adrienne@adroite.co.nz. Ph: 029 286 3650 or 04 496 5513.


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