Mature Workers Toolkit

The government's business website has launched a 'Mature workers toolkit' to help employers to get workers aged 50 years-plus into small to medium-sized businesses.

The toolkit has a range of guidance, support tools and resources that employers can use to help attract, recruit and retrain mature workers. It includes:

• A worksheet to help write compelling job advertisements

• A build-your-own-policy for on-the-job learning

• Tips on leading and working with mature workers, and

• Case studies.

With more people working later in their lives, it's important that the skills and knowledge of mature people are retained in our workforce. Seek NZ's May Employment Report shows the demand for staff continues to increase. "Job ads increased by 5% month-on-month and are almost triple the volume that they were this time last year," reports Seek NZ.

Fifteen per cent of our population is aged over 65; this is expected to increase to 20% over the next 20 years. It is important that the value this group of people gives to business is acknowledged not only by employers, but also by their staff.

To find out more go to and search for Mature workers toolkit.

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