Bright-Line Test Extended to 10 Years

In March the bright-line test was extended to 10 years.

The bright-line test was established in 2015 to tax the profit made on selling residential property where sold within two years of purchase. The bright-line period was extended to five years for properties purchased from 29 March 2018.

Now, if you have a binding agreement to purchase on or after 27 March 2021 and you sell the property within 10 years, any profit will be subject to income tax.

For residential properties that are 'new builds' the five-year period still applies. Rules are currently being developed about which new builds qualify for the shorter bright-line period.

Do note however, in most (but not all) circumstances your family home is exempt from the bright-line test. The March 2021 announcement also saw changes as to how the family home exemption is calculated for properties subject to the bright-line test.

To know more about the bright-line test and how it may affect you, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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